506-738-2320 / 506-653-6850 holyspiritparish@nb.aibn.com
Homily for Christ the King

Homily for Christ the King

Homily for Christ the King Labels, Labels, Labels! After we were born, we were labelled with a little band around our ankle, in my case, I was labelled “Baby Boy Martin,” before I had an official name. We read the labels on our clothes before we wash them, or we put...
Homily for Christ the King

Homily for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Homily for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Around this time of year, it always happens: I will be asked, “when are the new missals coming?” Or “when will be get our new envelopes?” or “Have you decided on the Christmas Mass schedule yet?” Or “When will you have the...
Homily for Christ the King

Homily for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Homily for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Give it your all!” “The more we share, the more we have.” “The more you give, the more you live.” “No one has ever become poor by giving.” (Ann Frank). “For in giving, we receive…” (St. Francis of Assisi). I’ve just shared...
Homily for Christ the King

Homily for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Homily for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time For the past two years, physical movement from one place to another has been severely limited. We continue to hear about the pandemic: social distancing, Hot spots, circuit breakers, not to mention the ‘rising price of gas’...
Homily for Christ the King

Homily for the Assumption of Mary Sunday

Homily for the Assumption of Mary Sunday This past week, a very good priest friend of my from Berkeley, Cal. went home to God. His name was Fr. Mark O’Leary. Over the years, when I attended a “Summer Renewal Program” for clergy and religious in Berkeley, he lived in...