Parish Activities

Cribbage Games Weekly on Wednesday at 7 pm St. Matthews Hall
Prayer Shawl Group Weekly on Wednesday at 10 am to 12 pm rectory.  Contact Jill if interested 506-639-0007
Alpha Program Starts Thursday, Sept 28th 6:30 pm – 8:15 pm for 11 weeks at St. Matthews Worship Site
Explore and Discuss the Bible Starts Monday Sept 25th 6:30 pm at St. Matthews Hall finishing Nov 27th
Religious Education Classes Sunday mornings at 10 am at St. Matthews Worship site for both worship sites
Monthly Rosary and Adoration Thursday, Oct 26th 6:30 pm at St. Rose Worship Site – TOPIC – Praying for Peace
Remembrance Celebration for our Dead St. Matthews Worship Site – November 21st at 7:00 pm

St. Rose Worship Site – November 22nd at 7:00 pm