
We started the Liturgical Committee in September with St. Rose Worship site and St. Matthews
Worship site. We had representatives from both sites. As well, we share ideas and try new
things between the sites. It makes us more cohesive as a Parish. The Liturgy Committee is a
group to help assist our priest in preparing inviting liturgies for the gathered community. We
had a very busy year, but also many blessings. In September, Seaside Park Elementary School
warmed our hearts with their choir and ‘now very popular hit song,’ “We’re Stronger Together”
A song about the merging of three schools into one new one. With the merger of these schools
into one offered both students and faculty many more opportunities with combined resources.
Father David used this opportunity to show how we could do the same with our new parish…
Holy Spirit, by uniting our gifts and talents together making us stronger…together.

For Advent, parishioners were invited to bring for the Light (Lucemnarium) prior to each Mass.
A reflective booklet was offered to help us during this time of preparation prior to Christmas.
During Advent, we were ‘Graced’ with the presence of Saint John High School Choir, under the
direction of our Saturday afternoon music minister, Trish Gallagher. The students were dressed
in red gowns and black suits, and gave a beautiful evening of both sacred and contemporary
song and music. Roughly 100 students took part in this concert and many were so happy that
they came. An open invitation has been extend to this choir and to any choir who would like to

The Lenten theme for this year was, “You’re invited to…” Each week, Fr. David preached on a
certain theme relating to the Gospel for that weekend and the Lenten journey, leaving us with
reflective questions in the bulletin each week, pertaining to each ‘theme’. Unfortunately, A
Lenten Booklet ordered for Lent was unavailable for whatever reason.
We planned our Lent with some Evening Prayer services that area only ½ long but are very
prayerful, serine and helped clear our minds to have the best Lenten experience. Mass was
offered each day during Lent. A special ‘Thank You’ to both Fr. Tom Fowler and Fr. Mike LeBlanc
for helping out.

For the first time in several years, we celebrated two (2) Reconciliation Services, where other
priests were invited to help celebrate reconciliation. This was a great success with many in
attendance and asking, “Will we be doing this again?” Answer: Yes! We had a wonderful Easter
season. Two members from each church went to the Cathedral to pick up the Blessed Oils to be
used at our parish for our celebrations for the next year. The Good Friday service was both very
moving and reflective with everyone adhering to the silent request. The Easter Vigil or Holy
Saturday was a celebration with lots of different aspects of the evening. Easter Sunday was a
day of rejoicing, followed by something new: a party including Homemade Biscuits with various
toppings and Easter egg hunting for our younger companions. Our Little People continue to
lead each Mass with “Celebration sticks,” certainly enhancing our Liturgies. All liturgies for the
Easter Triduum were well attended and supported. It is important to note that donations for
decorations in memory of loved ones. Many great compliments were received on how beautiful
our worship spaces are during this celebratory time and other seasons as well.

Other notable events this past year included the Final Mass and De-consecration of St.
Augustine held in September. In the month of November, we “Remember our Dead” with a
beautiful candle-lit Mass, to remember the members of our church, this past year that have
gone home to God. A book was placed for people to sign in their loved ones memory during the
present year, we display the names of each deceased person at the front of the church. This
past year, we decided to try something different. Instead of having the families place the
candles, the candles were already in place, and the name was remembered during the
Eucharistic Prayer. Many enjoyed this new format, while one expressed disappointment to the
change. In all, it was a very solemn and beautiful ceremony, aiding in the grieving process.

The chalice, large Cross on the back wall of the former St. Augustine’s Church and the statue of
the Holy Family was moved to a renovated foyer of St. Matthew’s Worship Site. Lighting was
updated to help draw attention to these beautiful sacramental’s. The other side of the foyer
will be updated in the near future. New lighting, using LED lights were placed in the Sanctuary
of St. Matthew’s Worship Site. This gives a clearer light and helps reduce cost. The presider’s
chair from the former St. Augustine’s Church and other items of need were brought to St. Rose
Worship Site. For the time being, Baptisms have been offered at St. Rose Worship Site during
Mass. However Fr. David is concerned that no one will come forward to help him. Rose
Theriault and Teresa Mittelholtz help Father with baptisms at St. Matthew’s Worship Site.

Both our Readers and Eucharistic Minister roster have some new faces on it which is nice to see
people sharing their talents. We invite more to join as well. It is such a blessing to be part of the
service. New candle stands and a more permanent cross is needed for St. Matthew’s Worship
Site. New sound system and Saturday Night Music Ministry continues to be very much

We like to thank the arts and environment committee of both worship sites as they enhance
the liturgy of the word each week and on our special occasions.

Many Blessing,
Charlene Parker