Holy Spirit Women’s Society
Our Mission:
Welcome – we are a community of women sharing fellowship and friendship.
Worship – we focus on recognizing a need within, as well as outside of, our faith community.
Witness – we are called to help others through our outreach projects as well as within our church family.
How we got started?
The Women’s Society began in the late 1970’s or early 1980’s, at St. Augustine’s parish, in what was at the time the Village of Westfield. It was consistently a very active group. When St. Matthew’s parish was opened in 1985, the St. Matthews Women’s Society was created, and they also were a very active group of women for over 30+ years with the closure of the group in 2017. The women from St. Rose were actively involved in the CWL for many decades until the spring of 2024.
In 2018, when the three parishes of St. Augustine’s, St. Matthew’s, and St. Rose of Lima were merged into the newly created Holy Spirit Parish, the Women’s Society of St. Augustine’s was renamed to Holy Spirit Women’s Society.
What Do We Do?
The Women’s Society is involved in many activities, from knitting and crocheting to making soup and biscuits, as well as fundraising to support our projects as needed.
We also organize donation drives for areas or organizations in need, such as school supplies and food for Harbour View High School, and basic care items for Horizon Recovery Centre.
We typically host two potluck lunches at Christmas and early in June. Everyone is welcome to attend our potlucks which are a lot of fun.
Outreach Involvement
Our Women’s Society is activity involved in our Parish Outreach Ministries including the Prayer Shawl Ministry, Avenue B, Horizons Recovery Centre (formally Lonewater Farm). Use the link below for more information about these ministries.
How can someone join the Women’s Society?
No one has to officially join. All women of all ages of Holy Spirit Parish are always welcome to attend any of our events, potluck gatherings and our monthly meetings.
Monthly Meetings
We meet monthly from September to November and again January to May. We meet at 1:30pm, in the Rectory Hall at 279 Nerepis Road, Grand Bay-Westfield. Check the bulletin for times when we meet or join our Facebook group.
Facebook Group
We have a Facebook group that is private. If someone wants to join the group a request must be made on the page. A simple question will be asked to verify that you are a member of our parish. We welcome you, please join our Facebook Group. It keeps everyone informed about our activities.
For more information about the Women’s Society or if you have items that concern this ministry, please contact the Chairperson of the Women’s Society.