What you need to know to go to Mass
Since last Friday we have been busy putting together our Pandemic Team Leader and Committee for our parish. Once again I want to thank Mark Palmer and volunteers for coordinating these efforts. We now have a Pandemic Team in place for each Mass. With that being said, I am pleased to announce that we will be having Masses at our regular weekend time slots. As advised by the Government of NB we can have up to 50 people at each Mass. Therefore, you are being asked that if you wish to attend one of these Masses you must call the office on Wednesday from 10am – 3pm to book your space. I realize this is very short notice; however, we will need your help in getting this news out to others who may not have access to social media. We are asking that once you book your time that you bring your own face mask. You will be required to book your space each week for yourself and/or family only. Since we are a large community we need to be sensitive to those wanting to come but did not have the opportunity to reserve space. Having been dispensed from our obligation you are not required to be present each week. Unfortunately we cannot be ‘saving seats’ for others or ‘booking ahead’.
It is imperative that you follow the instructions and strict guidelines by members of the Pandemic Committee. Remember they too are following guidelines put in place by our provincial government. When you enter the parking lot you will be questioned about your health status. Once you are parked you will be invited to move from your vehicle into the church building under the direction of a Pandemic Committee member. Upon entering the worship site you will be seated by another Pandemic Committee member. Please respect social distancing and remain at your seat at all times. Until further notice the sacristy is closed to everyone. Fr. David will begin Mass from the altar. There is no procession, no singing or music until further notice. The worship sites will be opened ½ hour prior to Mass by Father David…ONLY.
In order to cut down on movement, Communion will be offered at the very end of Mass. After you have received the Eucharist you will leave the building and on your way out there will be a basket to place your offertory. You will be reminded of these procedures prior to each Mass.
The only washrooms available are the ones located at the entrance of each worship site. (Washrooms at St. Matthews Hall are closed) The washrooms will be available for emergency use only. If you use the washroom then you will have to clean the bathroom facility following the guidelines posted. Anyone 16 years or under must be accompanied by an adult that will be responsible for cleaning the washroom after use.
As you know, those who are 60 plus years, the very young and those with any health issues are considered vulnerable groups. If you fall in this category you are encouraged to watch Mass for Shut-ins or any other Mass that is live streamed.
We pray that this new format is only temporary, or at least until a vaccine has been found. When calling to book your reservation if one Mass is full another may be suggested to you. For example, if the 11am Mass at St. Matthews Worship Site is full one maybe available at St. Rose Worship Site for 4pm Saturday or 9am on Sunday.
We have spent much time and energy in praying, preparing and promoting Holy Spirit Parish and we are known as a welcoming community. In order for us to maintain our welcoming status we are relying on your patience, Christian charity and love for our faith community to make this work.
Let us continue to pray for those who work on the front lines, serving our needs in this unprecedented time, as well, let us continues to pray this pandemic will be resolved. We are in this together, and we can do it. Please note any changes or updates from the Government of NB will be made known to you as we receive them. Please continue to watch our Facebook page and Website and spread the news
God Bless
Fr. David