We would like to welcome everyone back to Religious Education at Holy Spirit Parish.
Classes begin at St Matthew’s Worship Site, on September 15, 2019, with an Assembly in the Church (upstairs) at 10 AM before Mass.
Classes begin at St Rose of Lima Worship Site on September 16, 2019 at St Rose Place (formerly St Rose Rectory) at 6:30pm
Registration is available online by clicking here.
Registration forms for St Mathew’s Worship Site will be available at the back of the church or on the first day of classes.
Registration forms for St Rose of Lima Worship Site will be available on the first day of classes.
Please remember there is no fee involved! All teachers are volunteers, and the Parish and it’s various individual groups have been most supportive in the past and we have been assured that will continue. Additionally, we hope to sponsor small fundraisers during the year in which the children can participate, increasing their awareness and support for the day to day needs of programs such as ours and the Parish’s other groups, and their involvement in our Faith Community.
While registration and attendance traditionally have seemed boosted for the grade levels which prepare for the main Sacraments of Childhood (First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation), and we have always had eager and enthusiastic groups for these special occasions in our young people’s lives, you are urged to remember that attendance every year is most important to really prepare the students for full understanding of those Sacraments, and for Faith Foundation, and while home preparation is invaluable, participation in groups and Mass will help make Faith real in their lives.
If you have any questions or would like to help out with a class please call or email
St Matthew’s Worship Site: Linda Spinney, 506-636-0677, linspin@nbnet.nb.ca
St Rose of Lima Worship Site: Andrea McGrath, 506-651-6074, stroselima.religioused@gmail.com