Pandemic Update – June 5, 2020
Dear Holy Spirit Parishioners,
This past week, the Government of New Brunswick has announced that churches can re-open as of this weekend. Last week, we had received the same announcement but late Friday afternoon, we were pulled from ‘yellow’ (50 people max for each Mass) back into ‘orange’ (10 people max). We started last Wednesday to take ‘reservations’ and in the two day, we had 67 people in total to attend 3 Masses. Although we were left scrambling to prepare (and then to cancel) we have a solid team and working procedures in place. Signage and what sanitizing products we could get has been purchased and team meetings held.
One concern that has come to the forefront is the number of volunteers needed to act as helpers. It was made known at one of our meetings that with summer coming, not everyone will be available to serve in this capacity. As well, we will need people to assist at funerals to ensure protocol and guidelines are followed. Therefore if you are able to help at any of the Masses please contact our office and leave your name and number. If we do not have the volunteers to help, then we will not be able to have Mass. I want to thank our Pandemic Coordinator, Mark Palmer and the volunteers who have offered to assist. Also dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday remains in effect. Those over 60 or those with compromised health issues are encouraged to stay at home and watch Mass that is Live-streamed from various parishes throughout the diocese.
Therefore, with all of this in mind, we will begin to take reservations this coming week for the 3 Mass times (Saturday 4 pm Sunday 9 am St. Rose Worship Site; Sunday 11 am St. Matthew’s Worship Site) beginning next weekend June 13-14. In order for our office to run smoothly, we are asking those who wish to come to Mass to call in your reservation on Monday or Tuesday between the hours of 10 and 3 pm.
Some people have been calling and asking, “Does the 50 people include those who are assisting?” The answer is “No.” It is 50 worshippers plus the priest(s) and Pandemic Team. Please keep in mind that with the three masses, there is room for 150 people. As well, people are asking for special Mass intentions and anniversaries. Please be assured that we will do our best, with limited time and resources to accommodate your request. Please continue to monitor our website and Facebook Page for ongoing updates. I would also ask you to share the information to those who may not be connected to the internet.
Let us continue to keep each other in prayer during these difficult times as we strive to move forward with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Fr. David