Message from Father David regarding the Possible Exposure to Covid-19 at Holy Spirit Parish
Dear Parishioners of Holy Spirit Parish,
This morning, we received a phone call from Public Health of New Brunswick, informing us that anyone who attended Mass on Sunday April 18, at St. Matthew’s Worship Site could have been exposed to the Covid 19 virus. With follow up phone calls from Public Health, we were asked to surrender to them our attendance sheets for all who were present at the 11 am Mass. I was assured that anyone who was at the 11 am Mass will be notified for questioning and testing by Public Health. Since then, I have been asked to remain in a two week isolation period. As well, our secretary Bernice and housekeeper have been asked to isolate as well. Out of prudence, concern and caution for all of you and to curb any potential increase spread of infection, BOTH WORSHIP SITES will be closed until the weekend of May 8 and 9. Both sites will be sanitized before re-opening. That means no masses, baptisms, funerals, adoration, rosary or any other type of prayer service is take place at Holy Spirit Parish at this time.
I am asking anyone with a key to stay away from all buildings and halls. The office now closed will open May 5th and Masses will resume May 8 and 9. There are many opportunities in our own diocese and beyond for the live streaming of Mass and other devotions.
If there is an emergency, please call our Diocesan Centre at 653-6800. Please do not come to the rectory to see me or ask me to anoint at this time as I cannot leave the building. I am asking you at this time, to keep each other in prayer and to be proactive in being safe. We all need to do our part to stay safe.
Fr. David