Let’s not forget those who don’t have access to the internet…

Isn’t technology great? It allows us to stay in touch during this time of self-isolation. Our website has never been busier, never mind our brand new Facebook Page! Even so, we recognize that not everyone has access to the internet, either via computer, a tablet, or even a smartphone, and even if they do, they may not be comfortable with the technology.
We are asking you to reach out to your loved ones who may not have access to the internet. Share the latest post from Father’s Reading Corner, or the latest News from the Parish.
In our recent phone blitz, we were touched by how many people asked about how they could continue with their donations. Let them know that they can still support the Parish through PAD, and that we now also have e-Transfers for those who still donate at the collection.
Even so, we haven’t forgotten those who are not accustomed to using online banking technology. This is why we want to remind everyone that, while the church buildings are closed, we still have access to Canada Post and the mail system.
To make a donation to the Parish through the mail, we recommend that checks be sent to our postal address which is:
Holy Spirit Parish
279 Nerepis Rd
Grand Bay-Westfield, NB
E5K 2Z9
We will make note of your donation, no matter if it’s sent through the mail or through technological methods, for Income Tax Receipt at the end of the year.