Homily for the Holy Trinity
I’m jumping right in here:The Trinity will be forever a mystery to the human mind at least in this world. Even great saints and theologians through the centuries have tried to explain it and have always come up short, so I can’t really say much more than what we already know that the Trinity – a basic tenet of our faith, is all Mystery.
But what is we look at Trinity by another way? What if we look at Trinity as an adventure? How many of us have been or currently on an adventure? For some, getting out of bed each day is an adventure. For others, going for our weekly groceries or appointments are adventures. Even coming here to Mass has become an adventure. Summer is a time when we usually take holidays and create our own adventures but last year we were limited… hopefully this summer will be different.
What about our relationship with God? Do we see that as duty to be fulfilled? Or do we see it as an exciting adventure? Could it be that “Trinity is an exciting adventure with God?” Do we see Trinity as an adventure that is rooted in us, that it comes from within the human heart? Do we see Trinity as a communion of LOVE? Could we think of Trinity as: Lover, Loved, and Love itself. This incredible close and intimate love between Father, Son and Spirit, is something we are invited to be a part of. So how do we experience God as Trinity? How do we experience Trinity as an adventure with God – that love of God?
Yesterday, I visited with dear friends who are now grandparents. And guess who was visiting while I was there: their Son, daughter in law and new baby! If you want an adventure or image of the Trinity, think of new parents.
The deep love this couple has for each other, culminates in a child conceived as a result of that love. The love these parents have for each other, and for their new baby is palpable. Others are invited or drawn into the excitement of that love: grandparents, friends, and extended family who come to see this new baby, can’t help but get caught up in that love. Baby Harrison was laying on his blanket in the middle of the living room but more often was passed from one to the other, pictures taken saved and sent. That is love in its purest form. That’s God as Trinity – present and part of their lives of this family and beyond. Lover, Loved, and Love.
That is just one example of Trinity as ‘adventure.’ You have your own example. What about a good laugh shared with a friend? Or knowing that we’re not alone in a difficult situation? The God of Trinity is very much part of it. What about journeying with someone who is dying, making their way back to God which is the ultimate adventure? Or perhaps we have had a spiritual experience where we have actually felt the presence of God with us. Again, the Trinity is sharing in these adventures.
In this current life, we’ll never be able to come up with an accurate image of God, or adequately explain what we mean when we say we believe in One God in three persons – Father, Son and Spirit. But we can all testify in our own lives, through our own unique experiences, or adventures to having been loved and embraced by the God of Trinity – our God who is Lover, Loved, and Love.