Homily for Epiphany 2022
For most of us, we usually place some sort of topper on our Christmas tree. It may be an angel, it might be St. Nicholas, and for others, it may be a star in various styles and forms. It’ is usually the first thing we place on the tree and the last to take off. It is all part of the Christmas story, our interpretation of it and how we celebrate it.
Next weekend, our Christmas season draws to a close with the baptism of the Lord. For most of us, this has been a chaotic and rushes Christmas. From the birth of Jesus, to the Holy Family, Mary Mother of God and now Epiphany. There is a lot happening in a short period of time. And yet at every moment in time, the Christmas story continues to unfold. Jesus was born into the world in a silent and hidden manner, but God’s purpose is for Jesus to be made known so that humanity may be united with God in Jesus.
Today’s feast, the Epiphany, celebrates Jesus’ becoming known to the nations. The theme is of light; a great star is rising in the darkness. Jesus is becoming known, attracting us to himself. Today we remember that Star that same light that signaled the birth of Jesus. It’s shining for us and inviting us, “to follow Him.”
In the Gospel we invited to enter the house where Jesus lies, and we look upon him and his mother. We watch the magi offering gifts, and so we offer ourselves-our commitment to our work, family, community, nation in union with Jesus who is committing himself to share in the human story or perhaps better said… to share in the human journey.
Soon our Christmas Trees will come down, and decoration will be put away for another year. However, that star, that light in the midst of our own darkness continues to shine no matter what we encounter. And in time, it will be the Light, the Light of Jesus that will guide us back home to God from where we came. Then all will be revealed to us and we will experience the fullness of God’s glory. Amen